Saturday 24 March 2012

Writer's bust, I think that's what it's called! Actually, it's called WRITER'S BLOCK.

I got some great news!
I got the book Inkspell!
You see I've already read Inkheart ages ago... Then I got the book Inkdeath....
Then the trilogy was discontinued so I couldn't get the middle book of the trilogy so I couldn't read the third one!
And when I saw it I really did make a grab for it!

I haven't been posting lately 'cause I've seriously run out of ideas!
I started off a little story but the idea can go on for a complete book!
I really like the story line...
But what I've written I don't even know if I want it as the beginning or anywhere in the middle...

Hell, I don't even know where I want to lead the story!
God, help me! PLEASE!

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