Friday 16 March 2012

Racism and something like that!

Something that completely goes over my head and I can't understand at all...
Somewhat like racism but really the difference between genders, more commonly known as sexism!
Something that really makes me doubt the other person!
Something that makes me want to drive my fingernails through the wall!

Why would you differ between people if they're woman or a man?!
Is it their fault they were born as a girl or as a boy!

Boys only face it if they want to become cooks, beacause then everyone will say that cooking is a girl's job. I say why, hell, let the guy become a cook if that's what he wants, did the girl swear an oath to always do the cooking?!
So, girls are looked down others' noses because they decide to come in a profession which is liable for MEN!
I mean c'mon!
There are so many things that wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for girls!
They are the main reason!
If behind every man there is a woman, why don't we see her, why is she so shy, is she burning with embarrassment, or just red in the face?!

When people stop looking down their noses' at me just because I'm a girl and shouldn't think about some profession because it's a man's game, then I will stop disregarding people!

On that frustrated note, my mind is too hot to think of anymore to say, I shall depart...
See you my friends! (:

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