Saturday 3 March 2012

BOOKIES! or is it cookies?! (:

Today something weirdly hilarious just happened!
My father said are you sure you want to waste money on a pointless lunch and I'm like shouldn't I?
And then he says well it really is a waste you know!
And I say alright now that money is for books!!!
And me younger brother who is older than me the younger than my other brother starts to literally scream with exasperation!
And me and my father were really enjoying it!
And then he started begging us please lets go for lunch tomorrow!
Then I say I can reread books again and again but I can't have the same costly lunch over and over! Can?!

So now, me and my dad are hopefully about to leave to get some books!
And bad news me friend is not coming today!!
I hate her for that!
I mean I really do understand!
But she just doesn't get the fact that first she says I'm coming I'm sure but then at the last minute she says I can't....
Once she did that 3 days in a row!
And each time I had told and confirmed to my family that she was coming....
And it was humiliating but no.... No sympathy no understanding...

Instead she got angry with me that I wasn't understanding her issues!
Well, I really wanted to say some choicy swear words to her!
But I had to bit my hands from typing that in a text and sending it over!

I'm realizing that I say "and"and "then" too much!
There you see it!
But I guess it is a basically required word in speech!
Lol! That sounded really mature and grown up! (:

So, I think I might take my embarrassingly long book list without shame to the bookstore and start asking before so that I'm finished by tomorrow morning hopefully! (:
GOD, thinking about books makes me want to start drooling and daydreaming! (:
And right now I've taken to flipping my slippers between my toes! Yes, I will tell every single weird unrequired detail, so deal with it or don't come reading my blog, I didn't ask you too! (And do follow me bloggy! (:

Please comment below, I'd love to hear from you and how happy you are for me or how you understand my feelings and totally like my blogs or totally hate them!
Once again comments and follows are better than chocolate!
And chocolate is really good so I should know what I'm talking about!

I'll be back with an update in an hour or two and let you know about all the books I bought!
Wish me luck!
That I get them all and they are within me budget...

Bye y'all! (:
See you sometime later! (:
Hope you hated hearing from me AGAIN!

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