Thursday 15 March 2012

Optimism's rare encounter with me! (:

I saw something while waiting in the waiting area of my dentist's so-called clinic, and I was looking through the door when I saw a man walking with two sticks for support but not taking help from anyone else!
When I see something like this, it makes me wonder what is it actually in life that counts? At the end of the day you should be thankful that you have hands and feet and everything or if any chance God forbid you have some sort of mental or physical difficulty: don't let it get the better of you!
I have a friend who has the disease in which patches of your skin are white and some are brown, I don't know the name of the disease! But that friend, she is so optimistic and good natured, like whenever you look at her she is either smiling or laughing! I haven't seen her crying once, and trust me: I have seen like half my class cry in front of everyone! But one teeny tiny fault she talks a lot!
I have another friend and they have some difficulty with their feet, one foot is shorter than the other! But they are also always smiling and laughing and cracking senselessly hilarious jokes! But one teeny fault they have a horrifying temper!
Now, when I think about my problems they are minute to them! I see that they don't lose hope and stay positive, they might sometime become unmotivated but they pick themselves up and begin over!
Now look at yourself! Here we are crying and regretting everything, thinking our life is a waste dump, is horrible, is just peachy! But you have got to start to think about the people below you! They have so many difficulties but they cope 'cause they don't have anything better to do!
Now back to the point of if you have any sort of difficulty or anything you want to call it! You just have to see the other people, like say for example you don't have hands and then you see a person who has no hands and no legs and you start to appreciate the fact that at least you have hands, at least you can see the world!

The other day I saw this video of a Blind Man! Please click here to watch it!
It is quite simple that if you change the way you see the world, your world changes itself!
Whether that be good or bad!

So anyway, enough optimism for a few decades now!
Now I'm gonna be a real PITA and a PESSIMIST! (:
Love that! (:

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