Sunday 11 March 2012

Bookish Questions

11 Bookly Questions

I read the answers to the questions below on a book blog, and cause I really love books I decided to blog about it as well, even though I don't have a book blog! (:  
The blog was: 11 Bookish Questions by ChicLitGirl
1. What is your favorite genre to read?
I really like all sorts of young adult, I quite enjoy mystery and thrillers as well, a lil' romance fine, but not too much.

2. What is the first romance novel you ever read and how old were you when you read it? 
I still haven't read a novel completely based on romance yet but I read the Shopaholic series of Sophie Kinsella which have quite a bit of romance in them. After which I went on to Christopher Pike and Danielle Steel which have a bit of romance in it... I read the shopaholic when I turned 12 i think...

3. How many books--paper or ebooks--are in your existing TBR pile?
 [TBR = your To-Be-Read and typically refers to books you already own but haven't yet read]
Ummm, I have no idea... I bought quite a lot of books on this clearing sale in a bookstore, and I have saved them all up for my summer break, to enjoy! (: 
I don't have any ebooks currently, because I'm one to enjoy a book when it is paper and all in my hand bound by cover and stuff! But I think I have around 40 to 45... Yeah I have borrowed a few books, and some books I haven't even gotten around to reading since my last birtday, when I went into a frenzy and bought quite a few books! (:

4. Do you read nonfiction? If so, from which sub-genre?
Absolutely not!

5. Do you own an e-reading device? If so, which one(s)?
Nopee, but I can read on my blackberry, it's just I don't want to! (: 

6. Which one book have you re-read most often? 
I think the Harry Potter books, they're brilliant... But when I was younger, I was in a frenzy for Roald Dahl books, God only knows what was wrong with me! I mean, they were great and stuff when I read them as a child but afterwards it was like I actually enjoyed this piece of writing... Don't get me wrong Roald Dahl is quite a writer! But for kids, his adult books are just too insultingly rude...

7. How many library books do you have out right now?
Zero, I can only borrow books fro my school library and there is only one word: horrifying... No new books, just classics, and I am not a fan of classics, I'll say this very honestly!

8. How do you mark your place in a book?
I don't. I don't even remember the page number, I just open the book when I'm looking for the page and skim through it to find it that is because I usually leave a book on a new chapter... But if I don't I do glance at the page number... Rarely, I make the habit of using a bookmark cause I have like a million of them and I use zero! I just keep 'em in one place and don't let 'em get lost!

9. About how many books do you typically read in a month? 
I'm not quite so sure, depend on each month, whether I have exams coming up and all that stuff... But I think if I'm having a really slow month, and I'm only getting to read in the night or so, I'll finish around 3-9... Guessing... But I do read like 15-20 in my free-ish months!

10. What was the last book that made you cry?
I think in I Remember You by Harriet Evans I was close to tears... But last book was probably Remember Me trilogy by Christopher Pike...

11. What was the last book that made you laugh?
Thanks For the Memories by Cecilia Ahern... It made me laugh out loud, quite good funny parts in it...

I would really like to hear you're opinion!
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