Saturday, 24 March 2012

Writer's bust, I think that's what it's called! Actually, it's called WRITER'S BLOCK.

I got some great news!
I got the book Inkspell!
You see I've already read Inkheart ages ago... Then I got the book Inkdeath....
Then the trilogy was discontinued so I couldn't get the middle book of the trilogy so I couldn't read the third one!
And when I saw it I really did make a grab for it!

I haven't been posting lately 'cause I've seriously run out of ideas!
I started off a little story but the idea can go on for a complete book!
I really like the story line...
But what I've written I don't even know if I want it as the beginning or anywhere in the middle...

Hell, I don't even know where I want to lead the story!
God, help me! PLEASE!

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

i am bored and i have to finish some unsightly pile of homework, so now i am just going to go sit in front of the tv with my laptop and my books....

Until next time fella's

This is me signing off,

Monday, 19 March 2012


Each day has its ups and downs, Saturday definitely had more ups then downs...
When I woke up, I had to go to school for my 2nd UA PTM, but it was cancelled because of bad weather!
Oh, who am I kidding?! There's no bad weather where I live! It was something known as halaat kharaab!
Oh, you know the usual, shops shut down forcibly, people killed and et cetera, et cetera!
Anyway, it was my friend's birthday on Saturday, so I was unable to go to PTM and give her her present!
But no worries! I gave it to her today, and she said she LOVED it!
Well, then in the night I suggested we go get some pizza from 14th street pizza!
And it was AAWHSHUM! (:
Because we don't usually eat there!
Then we went on to this shopping mall, there I got a cover for my blackberry, and I bought some gorgeous shoes!
Anyway, so all in all, it was pretty good....

So yesterday I started typing a story which could be turned into a proper novel and stuff!
With the right thinking, right now I'm  gonna try and write a bit more, then print it so I can take it with me to school and show it to my friend! (:

Alrighty roo!
I'll catch you guys later!
Awesome person!

Saturday, 17 March 2012



Could people stop doing the things I do?
Stop specifically doing the things that are defined as something I do or say?!
I'm sick of it to be very honest!
And then denying it completely!
How do they live with themselves?!
How do they go to sleep at night?!
Don't they have a soul?!
A conscience?
A guilty conscience for once?!
Whatever did I do to you to annoy the hell out of you?!
Is it necessary to break all hell lose for me?!

You know what? God has a sense of humour. Proof? Hey, I'm right here! A living breathing example of God's brilliant sense of humour that we all love too much!

Friday, 16 March 2012

Racism and something like that!

Something that completely goes over my head and I can't understand at all...
Somewhat like racism but really the difference between genders, more commonly known as sexism!
Something that really makes me doubt the other person!
Something that makes me want to drive my fingernails through the wall!

Why would you differ between people if they're woman or a man?!
Is it their fault they were born as a girl or as a boy!

Boys only face it if they want to become cooks, beacause then everyone will say that cooking is a girl's job. I say why, hell, let the guy become a cook if that's what he wants, did the girl swear an oath to always do the cooking?!
So, girls are looked down others' noses because they decide to come in a profession which is liable for MEN!
I mean c'mon!
There are so many things that wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for girls!
They are the main reason!
If behind every man there is a woman, why don't we see her, why is she so shy, is she burning with embarrassment, or just red in the face?!

When people stop looking down their noses' at me just because I'm a girl and shouldn't think about some profession because it's a man's game, then I will stop disregarding people!

On that frustrated note, my mind is too hot to think of anymore to say, I shall depart...
See you my friends! (:

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Optimism's rare encounter with me! (:

I saw something while waiting in the waiting area of my dentist's so-called clinic, and I was looking through the door when I saw a man walking with two sticks for support but not taking help from anyone else!
When I see something like this, it makes me wonder what is it actually in life that counts? At the end of the day you should be thankful that you have hands and feet and everything or if any chance God forbid you have some sort of mental or physical difficulty: don't let it get the better of you!
I have a friend who has the disease in which patches of your skin are white and some are brown, I don't know the name of the disease! But that friend, she is so optimistic and good natured, like whenever you look at her she is either smiling or laughing! I haven't seen her crying once, and trust me: I have seen like half my class cry in front of everyone! But one teeny tiny fault she talks a lot!
I have another friend and they have some difficulty with their feet, one foot is shorter than the other! But they are also always smiling and laughing and cracking senselessly hilarious jokes! But one teeny fault they have a horrifying temper!
Now, when I think about my problems they are minute to them! I see that they don't lose hope and stay positive, they might sometime become unmotivated but they pick themselves up and begin over!
Now look at yourself! Here we are crying and regretting everything, thinking our life is a waste dump, is horrible, is just peachy! But you have got to start to think about the people below you! They have so many difficulties but they cope 'cause they don't have anything better to do!
Now back to the point of if you have any sort of difficulty or anything you want to call it! You just have to see the other people, like say for example you don't have hands and then you see a person who has no hands and no legs and you start to appreciate the fact that at least you have hands, at least you can see the world!

The other day I saw this video of a Blind Man! Please click here to watch it!
It is quite simple that if you change the way you see the world, your world changes itself!
Whether that be good or bad!

So anyway, enough optimism for a few decades now!
Now I'm gonna be a real PITA and a PESSIMIST! (:
Love that! (:

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

CHOCOHOLIC! eeeeeeeeee

All I want to do is pick up a nice book and lay back read it and eat chocolate!
Though I'm not a chocoholic I'm having a horrifying chocolate rush today! (:
And I don't know but I want really comfy clothes right now!
I'm still wearing my uniform and it's 5 though I returned from school at 2 30!

I'm only happy for one reason:
I'm going to watch supernatural after half an hour!
Just finished changing my passwords on certain accounts cause they were all the same!
And now I'm awfully pissed on the fact that everybody has so many followers, and me?
I'm just stuck at 1!!!

I feel like failure right now!
I just want summer vacations to begin ALREADY!
When will the syllabus finish? When will my term assessments begin?! on 25th april! (:

10 days after my birthday, quite a treat...
Though last year my birthday was on friday and that was the day the term assessments were beginning! Exciting, eh?

I want a flash of genius and begin writing a truly original and delicious novel!
Yeah I know delicious?! Deal with it!
I have been going through so many book reviews lately!
Just to increase my book list more!

Now I shall depart to have a change of clothes and engage myself in something or the other, which now shall not be the laptop as it has been for the past 2 hours! (:

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Bookish Questions

11 Bookly Questions

I read the answers to the questions below on a book blog, and cause I really love books I decided to blog about it as well, even though I don't have a book blog! (:  
The blog was: 11 Bookish Questions by ChicLitGirl
1. What is your favorite genre to read?
I really like all sorts of young adult, I quite enjoy mystery and thrillers as well, a lil' romance fine, but not too much.

2. What is the first romance novel you ever read and how old were you when you read it? 
I still haven't read a novel completely based on romance yet but I read the Shopaholic series of Sophie Kinsella which have quite a bit of romance in them. After which I went on to Christopher Pike and Danielle Steel which have a bit of romance in it... I read the shopaholic when I turned 12 i think...

3. How many books--paper or ebooks--are in your existing TBR pile?
 [TBR = your To-Be-Read and typically refers to books you already own but haven't yet read]
Ummm, I have no idea... I bought quite a lot of books on this clearing sale in a bookstore, and I have saved them all up for my summer break, to enjoy! (: 
I don't have any ebooks currently, because I'm one to enjoy a book when it is paper and all in my hand bound by cover and stuff! But I think I have around 40 to 45... Yeah I have borrowed a few books, and some books I haven't even gotten around to reading since my last birtday, when I went into a frenzy and bought quite a few books! (:

4. Do you read nonfiction? If so, from which sub-genre?
Absolutely not!

5. Do you own an e-reading device? If so, which one(s)?
Nopee, but I can read on my blackberry, it's just I don't want to! (: 

6. Which one book have you re-read most often? 
I think the Harry Potter books, they're brilliant... But when I was younger, I was in a frenzy for Roald Dahl books, God only knows what was wrong with me! I mean, they were great and stuff when I read them as a child but afterwards it was like I actually enjoyed this piece of writing... Don't get me wrong Roald Dahl is quite a writer! But for kids, his adult books are just too insultingly rude...

7. How many library books do you have out right now?
Zero, I can only borrow books fro my school library and there is only one word: horrifying... No new books, just classics, and I am not a fan of classics, I'll say this very honestly!

8. How do you mark your place in a book?
I don't. I don't even remember the page number, I just open the book when I'm looking for the page and skim through it to find it that is because I usually leave a book on a new chapter... But if I don't I do glance at the page number... Rarely, I make the habit of using a bookmark cause I have like a million of them and I use zero! I just keep 'em in one place and don't let 'em get lost!

9. About how many books do you typically read in a month? 
I'm not quite so sure, depend on each month, whether I have exams coming up and all that stuff... But I think if I'm having a really slow month, and I'm only getting to read in the night or so, I'll finish around 3-9... Guessing... But I do read like 15-20 in my free-ish months!

10. What was the last book that made you cry?
I think in I Remember You by Harriet Evans I was close to tears... But last book was probably Remember Me trilogy by Christopher Pike...

11. What was the last book that made you laugh?
Thanks For the Memories by Cecilia Ahern... It made me laugh out loud, quite good funny parts in it...

I would really like to hear you're opinion!
Blog and then post a link below!

Saturday, 10 March 2012


GOD, Its been ages since I blogged and tbh I missed loads!
But lately I've been just sitting, thinkinh things through and I'm so not regretting it, but I still don't know where I'm headed!
I haven't unpacked my schoolbag or gone over the homework I have to do or done any review for preparation!
I've just been sitting and reading mostly!
And I've come to the conclusion that Harriet Evans' story line is okay but she includes these horrifying sordid details that make me wanna hurl the book across the wall!
I sorta did it! But I didn't hurl it anywhere I just smacked it shut and got up to clear my head and straighten out my thoughts...
She writes fairly well but it gets so freakingly boring at times that I wish that I hadn't opened the book in the first place!
So, anyway I just finished reading I Remember You by Harriet Evans!
And it was OKAY! To be honest!
But, frankly, it was just far too cheesy at times for me!
And the cover! It was hmph hmph!
I mean, I'm the sorta really annoying person who has a habit of focusing on the cover...
The cover really says NOTHING 'bout the book!
And it's all animated!
And I'm the person who really likes covers with actual people on them cause right now I can think a lot of ways the people could have been positioned for the cover and look absolutely gorgeous along with reflecting the story and all!

And now I'm just yabbing on and on about this bloody book!
But I really need some sort of little break after reading a book to arrange my thoughts and emotions of that particular book. But that doesn't happen if the book I'm reading next is the sequel or somewhat!

And thanks guys for NOT following me! It really is a pleasure because I'm pretty sure you would have died if you had clicked like 2 buttons or so!
Thank you for staying alive and staring at my bloody screen and smiling at the hysteria of it all!
It's so exciting typing you fingers sore for a bunch of lazy ***** like you! (:
No offense, eh? (:

And I love you all and all that sort of rubbish!
I'll try to stay more updative! Lol! That is one weird word that I thought of on the moment!
But em likin' it!

Me forgot the most exciting news!
I got me braces removed today at around 12 45 or so!
And honestly it feels like I have no bloody teeth in my friggin' mouth!
But sad part, it feels like my teeth aren't mine anymore! They feel so fakish and it seems as if a burdden has been lifted from me! And the really annoying my part: my gums have all swollen up so now I'm on this weird tablet - not exactly tablet more of a goli - for three days, morning and evening!
It's this horrendous dark yellowish colour and is called something like Flagyl; I can't believe I just got up from my bed and walked over to where the tablet was kept just to see the spelling!

See? I'm weird! (:
And I'm glad to be!
I'm this fierce fierce perfectionist for some things that people are afraid of what I might do for order in those specific things! (:

Alrighty, y'all!
Have a nice morning, or afternoon, or evening, or night!(:
Whenever, you're reading this!

Ba bye!
Have fun without me yabbing on and on 'bout some really boring stuff!
I'll catch up with you guys later!

Sunday, 4 March 2012


GOD, I am so bored...
Just did some Math and have to do more of my native tongue's boring stuff...
I enjoyed today from the morning when I woke up at 10 30...
Because my brother was home and we all kept talking and laughing and joking and it was quite a lot of fun! (:

Now I am watching all the supernatural episodes of this week on starworld!
And I just sent my brother to get some frozen parathas for me to make them, put boneless chicken on, roll up and then eat it because I haven't had lunch yet and it is 4 30...
I haven't had lunch yet because in the morning my dad brought halwa poori home for breakfast!

And now my  brother is her so I'm going back downstairs to make me a roll!

I'll ttyl guys!

Saturday, 3 March 2012

My Unit Assessment Composition! (:

Locked Doors and Filthy Trails

“Dean, honey, spit it out. You’re not supposed to chew the wrapper as well! Yes, I know you’ve got big strong teeth but you still aren’t allowed to eat wrappers!”

And with that I shoved a finger into my bay brother’s mouth and got out the wrapper of the sweet I had recently given him as a treat for not crying for Mother.

After a few hours of doing nothing but cradling Dean and watching bad television, while praying that he would fall asleep. When Dean finally closed his eyes and snored softly, I breathed a sigh of relief and decided to go down the street and get the newspaper or maybe this week’s Vogue. I grabbed the keys of the house and set off down the road in a hurry to get back home.

Twenty minutes later when I reached home dragging a bag filled with magazines and a newspaper. I put my key in the lock, it turned, and why would it not?

But the problem began when I pushed the door and it did not open. A wave of panic swept over me and I tried to think straight. I tried to remember what I did before leaving but my thoughts refused to get in order. I thought about how the door could possibly lock itself.

I only landed with one logical explanation: someone had to be inside! And my mind drifted to all the things that could have happened to Dean during all the time I was gone.

I went around the house to the back door and I saw a sight that made me shiver down my spine. It sent cold beads of sweat running down my face. It made me stop dead in my tracks. A set of large footprints led from the boundary wall to the back door.

I turned the handle and to my relief it twisted creakily. But this door too would not open when I pushed it. I was determined to break down the door to get back to my lonely brother.

After several minutes of smacking the door I sensed defeat. I sat down holding my arm gingerly.And then I heard something! A slow creak and when I turned to look at the door it was open just a crack; perfect to see who was there and being seen.

I pushed the door open and went inside but there was no one inside. Not a soul in sight.

The hair on the back of my neck stood on end and I felt as though someone was watching me. I relaxed when I had checked every single room other than the lounge where Dean was. So, that was when I decided to go check on Dean while he slept.

I wandered into the lounge and Dean was not there. I flew into a panic for the second time in one day. I ran to the nursery hoping that somehow he had ended up there. And to my amazement, there he was lying peacefully in his cot, fast asleep.

But there it was! The same set of footprints on the beige carpet leading from the doorway to the cot. I took Dean in my arms and savoured his reassuring gently warm smell.

Amazingly, everything was alright. I had been able to babysit my brother without ruining someone or something (in short I hadn’t screwed it up).

And then I heard something again! The door to the nursery swung shut. And I was left wondering why that had happened with a wailing Dean cradled in my arms…

Author's Notes:
Don't mind the bracket part! I was all happily pissed off! (:
Hope you like it but even if you didn't do comment and let me know what you thought of it!
I'd love to hear some criticism! It really is refreshing...
And makes me keep my feet on the ground! (:

Until next time! (:

Sadness Takes Over

When is the next time liberty books will have a sale?!
I need an immediate update!
Someone help me out!
So I can get all ravenous over books then!
Cause now my father is saying wait for a sale, even if the amount doesn't lessen much but it is still better than buying it on full price!

So now, I shall be waiting...
One of the things I might not be too good at but I do have quite an amount of patience instilled in me!
LOL! I don't even know what bloody instilled means!

Best phrase that defines me: A MAD FAN OF FICTIONY BOOKS! EEEP!

I'm begging you!

I don't get it!
Why don't I live in New York, in a mansion, going to brilliant school, being smart and clever and despised and gorgeous and drop dead stunning...
But no, do these things only happen in everybody's fantasy world, in everybody's daydreams?!
I can't even get my blog to be followed!

I really am hopeless...
I think after my 100 years of studying to become a doctor I might be able to accomplish at least one thing: I'm going to be brainy beyond MY bloody imagination...

So on that offensively sad note, I shall depart, to where even I'm unaware of....
See you sometime happier...

BOOKIES! or is it cookies?! (:

Today something weirdly hilarious just happened!
My father said are you sure you want to waste money on a pointless lunch and I'm like shouldn't I?
And then he says well it really is a waste you know!
And I say alright now that money is for books!!!
And me younger brother who is older than me the younger than my other brother starts to literally scream with exasperation!
And me and my father were really enjoying it!
And then he started begging us please lets go for lunch tomorrow!
Then I say I can reread books again and again but I can't have the same costly lunch over and over! Can?!

So now, me and my dad are hopefully about to leave to get some books!
And bad news me friend is not coming today!!
I hate her for that!
I mean I really do understand!
But she just doesn't get the fact that first she says I'm coming I'm sure but then at the last minute she says I can't....
Once she did that 3 days in a row!
And each time I had told and confirmed to my family that she was coming....
And it was humiliating but no.... No sympathy no understanding...

Instead she got angry with me that I wasn't understanding her issues!
Well, I really wanted to say some choicy swear words to her!
But I had to bit my hands from typing that in a text and sending it over!

I'm realizing that I say "and"and "then" too much!
There you see it!
But I guess it is a basically required word in speech!
Lol! That sounded really mature and grown up! (:

So, I think I might take my embarrassingly long book list without shame to the bookstore and start asking before so that I'm finished by tomorrow morning hopefully! (:
GOD, thinking about books makes me want to start drooling and daydreaming! (:
And right now I've taken to flipping my slippers between my toes! Yes, I will tell every single weird unrequired detail, so deal with it or don't come reading my blog, I didn't ask you too! (And do follow me bloggy! (:

Please comment below, I'd love to hear from you and how happy you are for me or how you understand my feelings and totally like my blogs or totally hate them!
Once again comments and follows are better than chocolate!
And chocolate is really good so I should know what I'm talking about!

I'll be back with an update in an hour or two and let you know about all the books I bought!
Wish me luck!
That I get them all and they are within me budget...

Bye y'all! (:
See you sometime later! (:
Hope you hated hearing from me AGAIN!

Friday, 2 March 2012

Advice Needed, Goody News, Farewell So-Called Friends! :'(

Advice pronto!
Should I buy the Eragon series or not?
I talked to this girl at a party by my father's friend, she was the daughter of one of his distant friends...
So she tells me that Eragon is really a brilliant books and I'm all like yeah yeah yeah...
Then once I actually asked for once in a shop and I was shown the book but it just didn't click!
I don't know!
I'm confused...
If I buy it then I am directly going to buy the 4 books because I can't go to the bookstore again and again!

Save meee!
Somebody please, be a darling and help out!

And I'm very pissed off at one particular thing which is:
So many people come and view my blogs but can't they click the bloody two buttons called follow and then confirm?!

What harm will it do to ya?!

So anyway,,, back to my life!
I'm freeeeeeeeeee today! But not for long!

These assessments were just the tip of the iceberg!
These were the unit assessments...
Near the ending of April I will have my final assessments!
And then I might even fall off a cliff in my sleep!

I'm missing my friends loads! Even though only a few hours have passed since I last talked to her!
She isn't replying to my texts either, but I do understand, she's probably quite busy!

But, hey, good news!
Which is what I'm not that big a fan of!
SO the good news is that my friend will be coming over tomorrow!
I'm saying it like my friends have never come over!
They do quite frequently but frankly, its been quite a while now since someone came but I have been going!

So, me can't wait for tomorrow for two reasons! All the better, no?
I will go to the bookstore (let's all join hands and pray to God that my father will agree) with my father, then my friend will come over and we will goof off and enjoy ourselves immensely!

Then I'm waiting for Sunday for two reasons as well...
Because I'm giving a little treat to my family! At this new cafe I'm pretty sure is good cause I read the reviews... And then it will end with me giving a treat of either frozen yogurt or movenpick ice cream...
Now I don't know about you! But I absolutely lurrvee the both choices of desert! And movenpick is really really expensive where I live sooo.....
I just hope my older brother can come along with us! But the fact is that he is in one of the greatest universities of the city where I live and he is always having some sort of assignment or exams or something else that makes absolutely no sense! (:
So, here is me crossing my fingers!

OOOOOH! And me also waiting for wednesday which I think I've already wrote the reason about.....
Me getting me braces taken out!
I haven't told any of my friends, in fact I've actually succeeded in making them all the more curious!
I asked three which day of this week or the next they were waiting for and they told me then obviously I asked the reason and then they being kind friends asked me back! Oh, who am I kidding?! KIND FRIENDS?! Gimme a break?!
So one of the three I had already asked about and made her curious in texts and then I told her I was skipping wednesday before the other 2.....
So anyway then I told them me waiting for saturday and sunday and the reasons and then I told them wednesday and they asked why and I wasn't telling them so they got so bloody curious they kept asking again and again!


And now sadly I must depart before my mother returns from her thrice a week detour at 5;30 or is it 6?
And actually do some study catching up! In me sad self study!

But I'm looking at the bright side...
If I do this once a week or twice then when final exams arrive all I will have to do is go through everything and review orally!

Alright then I must stay firm on my word and as said, I shall depart...
Goddbye, loved ones!
*tear rolls down cheek*
(Yes, I know I'm getting overly melodramatic here but deal with it!)

Thursday, 1 March 2012


So people, took some time for blogging today!
Yes! I have my last paper tomorrow and then relaxing for a day!
Because the first time in my life I'm going to prepare in ADVANCE for my final papers!
That even looks weird...
The letters sitting in that order staring up at me with large questioning eyes! CREEPY!

So got loads of work to catch up on already...
And hopefully I will buy a few books this Saturday and Sunday!
My dad will be far from buying them for me!
I will have to use my own bloody saved up money for books!
I mean what sort of parents would do that?!

And I'm one of those peopl who read books over and over and over...
But still new books a re a cause for raised eyebrows, amused expressions, and of course angry glares!
Not everyone wants as many books as me!
Lately I went about making a list of all the books I wanted and the number of books I ended up with is actually very shocking and embarrassing!

So I'm not going to tell it!
Oh, what the hell...
I'll tell you and only you! (:
It is ... ... ok, wait lemme actually count it... (:
Hold on!

It is...
And now I am going to tell it....

It's, it's....
It is ... ... somewhere around 140 and 150!

Even I am unable to believe the actual number!
Yes, I'm weird...
I know, who the hell would want sooo many books in the world?!

And I have no bloody idea but I will get them one way or another! (:
Oh, I don't know! I'm confused! :(

So tomorrow last paper is Physics, Chemistry and Biology...
And because I did geography and these three subjects right before doing any other... I'm weirdly enough quite, well prepared and not the teeniest bit scared!
Which is quite weird for me!
Though I am rarely and I mean it when I'm saying it; scared of giving exams...
I'm the sort of person who starts to feel the seriousness of the situation right before the pare and I get a little nervous just for the fact to get my paper quickly and I can get it over with! (:

I just drank a can of coke and I'm feeling really excited but trying hard to keep my feelings to myself!
I've already reviewed for tomorrow's paper..
So for the rest of the day: my task will be to type up my wanted books list!
ooooh! Sounds exciting!
But is actually quite boring if I say so myself!
And then I will most surely befuddle myself in the task of typing up my recent story which I wrote on the last friday for my paper of composition!(:

And soon, quite soon, I shall be posting it too offensive reviews, hopefully! (: