Wednesday 29 February 2012

I haven't blogged for I think 2 days..
And weirdly enough I'm sort of missing it!
So a quick update...
Today was my English Literature and Islamiyat paper...
English Literature was good and easy!
But for Islamiyat we had a period of math before islamiyat so I was just rereading all the pages coming in the paper and when I study a lot either I get really hyper or I get all sad and bored and sleepy!
So today I got really hyper and when we went back to our class after a combined session... Anyone who talked to me I would scream a reply then make a horribly innocent and sweet or really evil and horrid face then smile!
So when the paper was being given the teacher comes to me and she's out of the paper!!!
And I start laughing! Then everyone in the class waits for around 5 to 10 minutes for another paper to come! And during that time whenever the teacher would come I would start dancing or jumping or making silly faces and making a fool of myself!

After the paper we had our vocabulary period in which we don't do anything....
So first we played very little of name place animal and thing...
My friend suggested that we play: Who, Where, Doing What and With Whom...
As we were only 4...
So we start and each time the sentence kept getting funnier and funnier!

And then after a little while one of my class fellow she comes up to where we are sitting and tries to look in the paper and I immediately hide it because she was mentioned in the last sentence!
She gets more curious and keeps on trying to snatch it...
In the end the paper is torn to shreds.... And I was going to keep that as a memory and reminder and wonderful joke!!!
Then the last period was lab...
We go there with some new teacher Ms. Sara-not our usual teacher...
She makes custard as part of our observation....
She makes it with Tarang milk!!! And I start singing "Tarang hi Tarang hai yehi custard ka rang hai!"

SO anyway, when everybody is tasting the custard and goofing off...
The same four people including me, we start playing the game again...
And again it gets funnier and funnier...
And again the same girl comes up to us.... When we have left the lab and are in the courtyard..
And again she tries to snatch it, fails! But this time 1 of my friend took off with one half of the paper and threw it in the bin at the far side...
But the other half is handed to me and a drop and my other friend who is standing picks it up when I tell her and runs to the nearest bin! AND IN IT GOES!!
This time I was not able to keep it for home!!!

Now I have to go! I have to study BORING history!
I have to study the whole chapter of The Ottomon Empire!
And bore myself to death!!

A few days back I told my eldest bro how much I hate history and he says that he used to love history! Then I told him the topic I was studying and he says that, that topic is sooooo interesting..

Then yesterday I asked him how many marks did you use to get in history?
And he says to me that I used to fail in history but I did enjoy it!
And I stare at him as though he has ten heads!
I mean if you find a subject interesting then don't you get really good marks in it?!

So, that is me signing off for the day!
Literally: typing off for the day(:

Lots of love,
Ciao! (:

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