Thursday 23 February 2012

Everyday hides it surprises...
Each day is a like a winding road waiting to be crossed...
Yesterday the day took off a rough start then even rougher middle and an ok end...
I'm talking about school right now...
In the morning I realized it was the day we had our sports period and I had forgotten to bring my house coloured jacket/sleeveless over shirt sort of thing And I had alsoi forgotten to wear my school joggers for that matter...
In the assembly it was announced that shoes will be checked today so i freaked out...
My sports teacher is a really bitter person... She's awfully scary and strict so three people from my class weren't wearing black shoes and there were some others from other classes who didn't have sports and were wearing joggers or wearing the wrong coloured joggers etc etc..
Well, they were all like take off your shoes! And I took them off smiling to myself then i walked two steps to the place where my house was sitting down and doing an activity worksheet and sat down and wore my shoes...
The sports was nowhere in sight...
The first block was sports and I was angry!
Thankfully I found my jacket in my bag all crumpled up from before! :)
I wore my jacket and went to the ground with my friend laughing and happy...
The sports teacher said that you have to take off your shoes and jog with everyone else around the ground...
I did it because everyone else had also done it...
Anyway the ground in my school doesn't have all smooth grass or soil or sand... It has a hard floor covered with a bit of sand and loads and loads and loads of tiny stones and rock and pebbles... Their surface is no heavenly flat... Its pointy and vicious and prickly! So in my thin cotton socks I had a once in a lifetime experience of running on rocks! EXCITING!!! :)
Well, then after sports something happened, which I'm not intent upon mentioning!
Anyway I found my way around that...
The last period was of lab....
And I had loads of fun actually! It was brilliant...
We were given some calcium bicarbonate thingy, sand, water, conical flasks, spatula, filter funnel and 2 filter papers!
So the last time we had a chemistry lab I thought that the calcium was actually chalk all broken down and me and my pretended that it was cocaine and we would put some in our hands and inhale deeply... Or take some on a spatula and shove it in front of other people's faces and say Open up open up this is a great opportunity! donot give it up!
So well, we had to make solutions and stuff then separate them filter funnel and paper so what I did was that I made the solution of calcium and water then I separated it and then all the watery thick and gooey calcium thing that was stuck on the filter paper I removed it from there and put it on a little empty circle glass thingy and started mixing vigorously! It looked so much like some sort of icing that I took to going aroung the class and showing people that I had made some delicious cupcake frosting! Then one of my class fellows was like yeah I do not care so when she turned around I took a big glob of that gooey stuff on my spatula and pinned it on her scarf, then I happily walked away! Meanwhile, me and my friend were also putting the powder calcium on people's scarves and clothes and all over them and when the teacher would come to talk to them she would say Beta there is something all over your scarf.. And we would silently continue laughing...
Cool eh?
And today was fun it does not even feel like I have a unit assessment tomorrow! It just seems like any other Friday I am waiting for so that the weekend will arrive and I can lay back, relax and happily read of course! :)
Tomorrow I have my english composition paper and I do not mean to brag in any way but everyone says I'm good at writing and I secretly and sincerely hope that it is true! :)
Today I got back my composition exercise book FINALLY! My teacher is SUCH a slow checker!
SO I got 9 on 10 in a narrative composition! Coolio! :)
Ok! Now I am getting all proudy but the smartest girl in the class who happens to be a great friend of mine found out my marks and she was all funnily angry and she said why are you so good at compositions and even though I have my paper tomorrow I gave my exercise book to her even though if it had been me who had asked she would have rather died than give me the exercise book of the subject the paper was the next day and she had not prepared for it!
Anyway, what is done is done. And I and happy that I could help her... Because helping is by far my favourite! :) I am speaking like the character Ivan in the book If You Could See Me Now by Cecilia Ahern! It is really good that book! A worthwhile read. Boring in a few places but all the same it was quite brilliant!
I'm glad I read it.
And now I have started the book Shopaholic Takes Manhattan which I had skipped reading and read the two books that came after that one in the order! :)

That's all for now I have just been talking and talking or rather typing and typing... I'll leave you to yourself then!
Happy weekend everybody!
Lots of love!

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