Friday 24 February 2012

Two Faced and Tests!

Today was my english composition unit assessment and the topic was a choice... It took place in period 2 which was sports... Choice one was that you are a babysitting your baby brother and you go out to buy a newspaper but when you come back you see that the door is locked. What do you do
Option two was that it is 20 years from now and you are receiving an award. Tell how you became famous and are receiving this award...
I chose option 1 and I think I wrote ok on it... The teacher amazingly checked it today only and returned it to us by the last period and I got 8 on 10...

Why is it that sometimes I tend to feel like the most unwanted person ever!
I feel that everyday runs away from staying with me...
And I suck at writing so why does everyone compliment me and say I'm brilliant at it?
I feel that I should stop writing it will do the world tons of good!
Why is it that when I do something for someone they are only nice up until then and when they have squeezed as many favours as they want out of me they stop even looking at me!
I do not understand that when I tell someone about something or someone they forget who told them and pretend that they were the ones who knew ages before!
Like for example I taught my friend a word I had learnt then she started constantly using it... I mean I didn't mind... Then once when I said a word that she had used a little earlier which came out of a book which we both had read she got all like thats my word!!!
So I said that let's have a deal I won't say any of your words or phrases if you don't say mine.
She's like fine...
And then a few days later she starts using my words and when I say to her that I 'll use your words to... She becomes all carefree and says fine use them!
I mean what is it has she signed a contract or something to piss me off in every way possible?!
Is it wrong to try and make everyone smile?
But why is it that every time I crack an amazingly clever and hilarious jokes and for some reason people didn't hear me someone just goes off and tells the exact same thing so that everyone thinks they were clever enough to think that!
I wish people would stop being so two faced!
I read something amazing!
"Be careful of what you wish for because it might come true!"
And yes it IS very true because I can think of a lot of down sides if people stop being two faced but I still wish it would happen!
A class fellow of mine said to me yesterday: " Har baat hansney ki nahi hoti hai!" which means: "You don't have to laugh at everything/Everything is not a laughing matter!"
At that time my friend snapped back: "It's our mouth! We will do whatever we want with it!"
But lately I have been thinking she is right..
The girl who said that to me, we don't exactly see eye to eye. I know this is very wrong of me to say but she can be really annoying and snobby and bossy sometimes. But still, she is great whenever she wants to be... I still like her even though of whatever thing she has ever done to me...
Like my religious leader: Go to sleep every night forgiving everyone!
Something really to think about! (:

I'm scared! I have geography and urdu literature on monday and right now I'm just wasting my time!
I have done geography just have to review one last time but nothing of urdu literature!
But luckily this time urdu literature is MUCH more easier than before! (:

I feel like reading a lot!
I watched this movie Letters To Juliet today and maybe some people might think that it is amazing and all but I found it truly predictable and so so!
It was also far too cheesy for my taste! (:
That is why I hate romantic movies and I so avoid them... But some friends had watched it and suggested it to me so I decided to watch it... I would have stopped but it is the same for me with books and movies...
Once I start I WILL finish it no matter what it takes! Even if I watch the other half months later....
Yeah, I am aware of how weird that it is!
But that is just who I am
I am some sort of a perfectionist in some things! (:

Currently reading:
Shopaholic Takes Manhattan by Sophie Kinsella
some book by Cecilia Ahern

Shocker: I just took out the paper I was returned by my teacher today and guess what! It was the composition we had written right before our assessment which was out of 10 not 15 which is why I was wondering what was wrong with the teacher that she checked them so quickly! GOD! I'm mad and dumb for that matter! (: So anyway now I have to wait to find out how much marks I secured in english composition... I'm gonna posting that soon and please everyone tell me if it is any good and feel free to criticize because I know you will! (:

Lots of love,
Me (:


  1. I'll share with you something someone told me a few days back: "If you're enjoying what you're writing, then you shouldn't give up on it. Writing is an art.You do it to express yourself and satisfy your own thirst. Eventually, people will begin to acknowledge your skill and respect you for it by not taking credit for things you work hard to come up with."
    As for the two faced thing,don't dwell on it too much.Some people don't have the guts to be themselves so they play it safe by copying others,so when they copy you or quote you or something don't get mad,just think of it this way,someone admires you so much that she wants to be you and the closest she'll ever get is by copying you ;)
    But people can always tell the difference between a copy and an original so just wait for it to happen.In the meantime have fun.

  2. Lovely! Great advice!
    My mum says that to me and it only pisses me off and makes me want to say to the other people more: "GET A LIFE FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!"
    waiting! hmph! Something i really at! :)
