Wednesday 29 February 2012

I haven't blogged for I think 2 days..
And weirdly enough I'm sort of missing it!
So a quick update...
Today was my English Literature and Islamiyat paper...
English Literature was good and easy!
But for Islamiyat we had a period of math before islamiyat so I was just rereading all the pages coming in the paper and when I study a lot either I get really hyper or I get all sad and bored and sleepy!
So today I got really hyper and when we went back to our class after a combined session... Anyone who talked to me I would scream a reply then make a horribly innocent and sweet or really evil and horrid face then smile!
So when the paper was being given the teacher comes to me and she's out of the paper!!!
And I start laughing! Then everyone in the class waits for around 5 to 10 minutes for another paper to come! And during that time whenever the teacher would come I would start dancing or jumping or making silly faces and making a fool of myself!

After the paper we had our vocabulary period in which we don't do anything....
So first we played very little of name place animal and thing...
My friend suggested that we play: Who, Where, Doing What and With Whom...
As we were only 4...
So we start and each time the sentence kept getting funnier and funnier!

And then after a little while one of my class fellow she comes up to where we are sitting and tries to look in the paper and I immediately hide it because she was mentioned in the last sentence!
She gets more curious and keeps on trying to snatch it...
In the end the paper is torn to shreds.... And I was going to keep that as a memory and reminder and wonderful joke!!!
Then the last period was lab...
We go there with some new teacher Ms. Sara-not our usual teacher...
She makes custard as part of our observation....
She makes it with Tarang milk!!! And I start singing "Tarang hi Tarang hai yehi custard ka rang hai!"

SO anyway, when everybody is tasting the custard and goofing off...
The same four people including me, we start playing the game again...
And again it gets funnier and funnier...
And again the same girl comes up to us.... When we have left the lab and are in the courtyard..
And again she tries to snatch it, fails! But this time 1 of my friend took off with one half of the paper and threw it in the bin at the far side...
But the other half is handed to me and a drop and my other friend who is standing picks it up when I tell her and runs to the nearest bin! AND IN IT GOES!!
This time I was not able to keep it for home!!!

Now I have to go! I have to study BORING history!
I have to study the whole chapter of The Ottomon Empire!
And bore myself to death!!

A few days back I told my eldest bro how much I hate history and he says that he used to love history! Then I told him the topic I was studying and he says that, that topic is sooooo interesting..

Then yesterday I asked him how many marks did you use to get in history?
And he says to me that I used to fail in history but I did enjoy it!
And I stare at him as though he has ten heads!
I mean if you find a subject interesting then don't you get really good marks in it?!

So, that is me signing off for the day!
Literally: typing off for the day(:

Lots of love,
Ciao! (:

Monday 27 February 2012

Unsure and Mixed Up Thoughts Need A Lot Of Clarifying!!

Am I weird for being freaked out for my math test...
No, no, I wouldn't say I'm actually freaked....
I'm just afraid of what lays ahead, as always!
I just don't think that I'll ever be able to see what I really am good at..
Because I sure as hell can't see it right now!

I'm not quite really good at everything...
I look at other people and think: How do they do it?
I mean, everyone I see I am able to see something they are good at. I am able to see that they being rude might not really be their fault... Yes, I know now I'm sounding self-obsessed...

I don't know what I am good at?
Should I?
Everybody seems to have their life figured out... Even my friend who is a bit unsure but at least knows what she wants to do...

Ever since a child I had it figured: I would become a doctor for sure...
Then I grew up and I found out soooooooooo much studying is sooo not for me...
So when in a funny environment I crack a little joke that I won't become a doctor! The response I get is angry forceful glares!
It was like become a doctor or I really will throttle you...

Then I started sketching clothes and everyone like them but I don't really care what my class fellows think, because they aren't earning millions of dollars just because a line of clothes are they? Or is their name being said all around the globe in as many different accents imaginable?

But then I decided: Fashion designer it is...
But now I see that hell! I don't have any new ideas....
They are all just same old same old...
Although I am the proud owner of the eye to tell a gorgeous dress from the horrid picks....

Then I started writing good essays in grade 6...
This phase sort of took place along with the fashion designer one...
Then I was all like: Alrighty! I WILL become a writer but no!

Dreams are seen and made and thought of to be shattered....
Not fulfilled!!
No, I figure I don't write half as well as the books I read and that is so not an understatement!

One thing that I am actually proud of myself is spellings!
But come on! What the hell do you do in the world just by being good at SPELLINGS?!

Sunday 26 February 2012

P.S. I Do Not Love You! Bookish Movies and Twilight! (:

I skipped blogging yesterday cause I was sort of studying! (:
Anyway I finished that book I was reading by Cecilia Ahern! (:
And now I'm trying to watch the movie...
I watched a bit and it is ok..
Quite different from the story...
And that is one of the things I hate about film adaptions!
They are just SOOOOO different from the story in the bloody book!
What is I bloody as well liked the story as it was...
Anyway back to the story it was good wasn't brilliant....
I mean I have read better than that...
But it did make me cry lots... But a lot of books do make me cry!
Is that wrong or weird?
Because this friend of mine, she always says to me that a book always "almost" makes her cry she doesn't really cry!
But I do and she was all shell-shocked and startled!
So now I'm wondering if there is anything wrong in crying when you're reading books.
I happen to think it is a good thing because then it means that the writer is able to convey the feelings his or her character is feeling right to you doesn't it?
I cried in harry potter 5 and i cried in if you could see my now by cecilia ahern and this book I'm talking about and in remember me trilogy by christopher pike guy! 
I cried in so many books that I can't even remember now!

I went to my dentist yesterday and he said come to me this wednesday at 1 and i say to him that i have school so he says you will have to skip and I reply you idiot i have my assessments that week and you're telling me to skip?!
So he says then come the week after next!! And I'm going to remove your braces on upper and lower jaw's teeth, clean and then the other doctor who only comes to the clinic on wednesday will put the permanent retainers for you... And I really want to jump with delight whenever I think of it!
Oh, and GOD, twilight is coming on tv and it makes me want to just jump off a cliff rather than watch it! (:

I used to like Kristen Stewart or whatever her name is before she starred in the twilight saga thingy! I mean just look at her eyebrows! One is flat and the other is all gone over the top! (: I mean she really has to get them fixed get one plucked a little higher and the other a bit lower so they are actually equal! WEIRD!
Same with Robert Pattinson! Except for the eyebrow part! LOL!

Once when I told my cousin that I loathed the twilight bloody series! He was so happy that he was all like hey hey high five and I was all like O......K! He told me that I was the first girl to that he knew to hate twilight. And then I told him that I wasn't the first girl that he knew to hate twilight cause our other cousin also hates it. That made him even more delighted! (:
He was almost jumping about with joy!

So anyway that really is all for today and I may be unable to blogg for a few days! :( It really will break my heart to not but it will have to be like that :(
mua! (:

Friday 24 February 2012

A short narrative essay written by me! (:

Title: Talking Animals, Spooky House and Weird Effective Water From a Fountain
I entered my room and dropped my bag pack and my dog said
For a few moments I stared at my dog speechless, fit to faint. Then I was snapped out of my deep reverie when Snargles (Yes I named him Snargles! Deal with it! J) said
“Aren’t you going to reply? It’s rude to ignore someone!” he stared at me indignantly.
I smiled at Snargles just to reassure him that I was perfectly fine. And to my surprise his scruffy face broke into a toothy grin.
I rubbed my eyes, tried to go to sleep to reassure myself it was a dream but when I pinched myself, the pain was just as real as the dog standing right in front of me who now had the ability to speak. Well, he could speak before as well but then all I was able to catch was
“Rrrrrrr! Ruff… ruff! Ruff!”
Now he was speaking English as though he had been doing that his whole life!
The only hope I had left was that this was not my dog! But that beacon of hope was shattered right before my eyes when he started speaking about our little adventures that had taken place earlier in complete secrecy! All I could do now was get accustomed to the idea that dogs could talk. Even why I say it, it sounds weird! But what I did not know was that all dogs could not talk.
Last summer we went on vacation to a nearby town. We had driven there so I had taken Snargles with me as I did not have many friends and he was delightful company. The little spooky abandoned house which we had rented had a little fountain where shockingly fresh water was dripping.
A few days later in no tap or shower water was coming so we decided that we would have to use the water from the fountain. We all bathed there one by one including Snargles.
The effects were instantaneous! My father was promoted, mother won the lottery and I became one of the popular kids at school!
Something had to happen to Snargles soon too but I had put that at the back of my mind where the information would not bother me! And of course! The results from the creepy water of the fountain took time to take effect on dogs and animals!
I learned to live with a talking dog because it proved to be lucky for me in ways I could never have imagined! A few months later I was in for a surprise or it could be better put as the skip of a few more heart beats!
I returned from school and smiled at my brand new goldfish and startlingly it smiled back and asked
“How was school today? I hear you’re very popular, eh?”
And that is when my mouth fell down my face a few hundred feet…

Please comment! (: Tell me what you think about it and feel free to criticize as much as you want!(:
Thanks for reading!
Me! (:

Two Faced and Tests!

Today was my english composition unit assessment and the topic was a choice... It took place in period 2 which was sports... Choice one was that you are a babysitting your baby brother and you go out to buy a newspaper but when you come back you see that the door is locked. What do you do
Option two was that it is 20 years from now and you are receiving an award. Tell how you became famous and are receiving this award...
I chose option 1 and I think I wrote ok on it... The teacher amazingly checked it today only and returned it to us by the last period and I got 8 on 10...

Why is it that sometimes I tend to feel like the most unwanted person ever!
I feel that everyday runs away from staying with me...
And I suck at writing so why does everyone compliment me and say I'm brilliant at it?
I feel that I should stop writing it will do the world tons of good!
Why is it that when I do something for someone they are only nice up until then and when they have squeezed as many favours as they want out of me they stop even looking at me!
I do not understand that when I tell someone about something or someone they forget who told them and pretend that they were the ones who knew ages before!
Like for example I taught my friend a word I had learnt then she started constantly using it... I mean I didn't mind... Then once when I said a word that she had used a little earlier which came out of a book which we both had read she got all like thats my word!!!
So I said that let's have a deal I won't say any of your words or phrases if you don't say mine.
She's like fine...
And then a few days later she starts using my words and when I say to her that I 'll use your words to... She becomes all carefree and says fine use them!
I mean what is it has she signed a contract or something to piss me off in every way possible?!
Is it wrong to try and make everyone smile?
But why is it that every time I crack an amazingly clever and hilarious jokes and for some reason people didn't hear me someone just goes off and tells the exact same thing so that everyone thinks they were clever enough to think that!
I wish people would stop being so two faced!
I read something amazing!
"Be careful of what you wish for because it might come true!"
And yes it IS very true because I can think of a lot of down sides if people stop being two faced but I still wish it would happen!
A class fellow of mine said to me yesterday: " Har baat hansney ki nahi hoti hai!" which means: "You don't have to laugh at everything/Everything is not a laughing matter!"
At that time my friend snapped back: "It's our mouth! We will do whatever we want with it!"
But lately I have been thinking she is right..
The girl who said that to me, we don't exactly see eye to eye. I know this is very wrong of me to say but she can be really annoying and snobby and bossy sometimes. But still, she is great whenever she wants to be... I still like her even though of whatever thing she has ever done to me...
Like my religious leader: Go to sleep every night forgiving everyone!
Something really to think about! (:

I'm scared! I have geography and urdu literature on monday and right now I'm just wasting my time!
I have done geography just have to review one last time but nothing of urdu literature!
But luckily this time urdu literature is MUCH more easier than before! (:

I feel like reading a lot!
I watched this movie Letters To Juliet today and maybe some people might think that it is amazing and all but I found it truly predictable and so so!
It was also far too cheesy for my taste! (:
That is why I hate romantic movies and I so avoid them... But some friends had watched it and suggested it to me so I decided to watch it... I would have stopped but it is the same for me with books and movies...
Once I start I WILL finish it no matter what it takes! Even if I watch the other half months later....
Yeah, I am aware of how weird that it is!
But that is just who I am
I am some sort of a perfectionist in some things! (:

Currently reading:
Shopaholic Takes Manhattan by Sophie Kinsella
some book by Cecilia Ahern

Shocker: I just took out the paper I was returned by my teacher today and guess what! It was the composition we had written right before our assessment which was out of 10 not 15 which is why I was wondering what was wrong with the teacher that she checked them so quickly! GOD! I'm mad and dumb for that matter! (: So anyway now I have to wait to find out how much marks I secured in english composition... I'm gonna posting that soon and please everyone tell me if it is any good and feel free to criticize because I know you will! (:

Lots of love,
Me (:

Thursday 23 February 2012

Everyday hides it surprises...
Each day is a like a winding road waiting to be crossed...
Yesterday the day took off a rough start then even rougher middle and an ok end...
I'm talking about school right now...
In the morning I realized it was the day we had our sports period and I had forgotten to bring my house coloured jacket/sleeveless over shirt sort of thing And I had alsoi forgotten to wear my school joggers for that matter...
In the assembly it was announced that shoes will be checked today so i freaked out...
My sports teacher is a really bitter person... She's awfully scary and strict so three people from my class weren't wearing black shoes and there were some others from other classes who didn't have sports and were wearing joggers or wearing the wrong coloured joggers etc etc..
Well, they were all like take off your shoes! And I took them off smiling to myself then i walked two steps to the place where my house was sitting down and doing an activity worksheet and sat down and wore my shoes...
The sports was nowhere in sight...
The first block was sports and I was angry!
Thankfully I found my jacket in my bag all crumpled up from before! :)
I wore my jacket and went to the ground with my friend laughing and happy...
The sports teacher said that you have to take off your shoes and jog with everyone else around the ground...
I did it because everyone else had also done it...
Anyway the ground in my school doesn't have all smooth grass or soil or sand... It has a hard floor covered with a bit of sand and loads and loads and loads of tiny stones and rock and pebbles... Their surface is no heavenly flat... Its pointy and vicious and prickly! So in my thin cotton socks I had a once in a lifetime experience of running on rocks! EXCITING!!! :)
Well, then after sports something happened, which I'm not intent upon mentioning!
Anyway I found my way around that...
The last period was of lab....
And I had loads of fun actually! It was brilliant...
We were given some calcium bicarbonate thingy, sand, water, conical flasks, spatula, filter funnel and 2 filter papers!
So the last time we had a chemistry lab I thought that the calcium was actually chalk all broken down and me and my pretended that it was cocaine and we would put some in our hands and inhale deeply... Or take some on a spatula and shove it in front of other people's faces and say Open up open up this is a great opportunity! donot give it up!
So well, we had to make solutions and stuff then separate them filter funnel and paper so what I did was that I made the solution of calcium and water then I separated it and then all the watery thick and gooey calcium thing that was stuck on the filter paper I removed it from there and put it on a little empty circle glass thingy and started mixing vigorously! It looked so much like some sort of icing that I took to going aroung the class and showing people that I had made some delicious cupcake frosting! Then one of my class fellows was like yeah I do not care so when she turned around I took a big glob of that gooey stuff on my spatula and pinned it on her scarf, then I happily walked away! Meanwhile, me and my friend were also putting the powder calcium on people's scarves and clothes and all over them and when the teacher would come to talk to them she would say Beta there is something all over your scarf.. And we would silently continue laughing...
Cool eh?
And today was fun it does not even feel like I have a unit assessment tomorrow! It just seems like any other Friday I am waiting for so that the weekend will arrive and I can lay back, relax and happily read of course! :)
Tomorrow I have my english composition paper and I do not mean to brag in any way but everyone says I'm good at writing and I secretly and sincerely hope that it is true! :)
Today I got back my composition exercise book FINALLY! My teacher is SUCH a slow checker!
SO I got 9 on 10 in a narrative composition! Coolio! :)
Ok! Now I am getting all proudy but the smartest girl in the class who happens to be a great friend of mine found out my marks and she was all funnily angry and she said why are you so good at compositions and even though I have my paper tomorrow I gave my exercise book to her even though if it had been me who had asked she would have rather died than give me the exercise book of the subject the paper was the next day and she had not prepared for it!
Anyway, what is done is done. And I and happy that I could help her... Because helping is by far my favourite! :) I am speaking like the character Ivan in the book If You Could See Me Now by Cecilia Ahern! It is really good that book! A worthwhile read. Boring in a few places but all the same it was quite brilliant!
I'm glad I read it.
And now I have started the book Shopaholic Takes Manhattan which I had skipped reading and read the two books that came after that one in the order! :)

That's all for now I have just been talking and talking or rather typing and typing... I'll leave you to yourself then!
Happy weekend everybody!
Lots of love!

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Well, today didn't go great as most days don't...
I got into a wee bit trouble...
I've never really learnt where to draw the line and i think that it really is about time...
As it is one major flaw within me...
I always somewhat peep my foot out of the line for a while and pull it back causing all the trouble which was uncalled for!
Apparently, I think that teachers do have a point when they tell you off...
The way they do it might be very wrong but we all do know deep down, maybe way deep down in our hearts that they are really right even if we don't ever admit it to ourselves...
And most of us don't but we probably should...
Yes, I d o know how teachers can be very annoying!
I was called in my section's co ordinater's room and boy, was it scary...
It was like all of a sudden in a school where there was constant laughter and shouts I had stepped into somewhat a prison cell.... Isolated from the rest of the world!
Anyway I'm not going to mention the reason for me getting into a rough patch but it wasn't that bad...
She let me off rather lightly than I had imagined...
I was literally scared out of my skin! Thinking what the hell is she going to do with me?!
And I'm really not one of those people who are scared or intimidated very easily... I can look a teacher in the eye and answer defiantly...
I can laugh at my own mistakes with the whole class at points when I should be hiding my head with shame...
So, you should imagine how must it have felt like for me!
All out of the blue I'm scared of a young, respected, reputed lady who doesn't even look capable to hit me because probably the legal authorities won't let her! :)
But still!
Well, enough is enough... I'm sort of weirdly enough looking forward to school tomorrow because I miss my friends....
Its a weird feeling! But when I start doing some topic of mathematics I know what I'm doing and I do it correctly but when I look back I can't make out a single thing that I had done earlier! :)

So love you all, that's all for now! Ciao! :)

Monday 20 February 2012

I'm really pissed right now because I'm thinking about last night...
There is this restaurant Roaster's where there is the most amazing waffle sundae I have ever set eyes on..
So last night I really felt like eating that... We went quite a long way for that restaurant then we find out that that dessert had been discontinued!!!!
Oh, and news flash for the dumbos who live in Pakistan: the woman who owns Roasters is also the owner of Arizona Grill and Butler's Chocolate Cafe which is one of the best cafes of pakistan probably!!!
well anyway then i had to settle for some shitty iced coffee out of gloria jeans!

and now a few hours have passed since i wrote the thing above...
School today was awful because i was going after quite a long gap...
I skipped
9, 10, 12
Thursday, friday and sunday for sports practice and last sports day.
then 13th february 2012 was a holiday given by school then i went on 14th feruary then skipped
15, 16, 17
Wednesday, thursday and friday because i was sick...
then saturday and sunday off so i finally went today!!!
i didn't do any review today!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(
i have islamiyat, math, eng litreature, eng language, urdu literature and urdu language left!!!!!
not to mention history it is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BooooooooooooRING!!!

Sunday 19 February 2012

Like right now I'm sitting in a horribly weird pose.

watching tv, eating chips and drinking coke! Getting me pumped
Right now I'm watching supernatural... REPEAT of the episode "Heart"
This episode was coming on friday but my parents wanted to watch some weirdo pakistani drama and wouldn't let me watch my show so I'm watching it now!

Some quotes coming up:
These are from facebook:
My friend posted them:

The more you hide your feelings, the more they show. The more you deny your feelings, the more they grow.

Find someone who isn’t afraid to admit that they miss you. Someone who knows that you’re not perfect, but treats you as if you are. Someone who’s biggest fear is losing you. One who gives their heart completely. Someone who says I love you and means it. Last but not least, find someone who wouldn’t mind waking up with you in the morning, seeing you in wrinkles and your gray hair, but still falls for you all over again.

People push away from those who really care at first. i dont know why. just how it works. its like they trust everyone but those who do care.

Too many people are living for compliments, instead of accomplishments..

We girls: -Take a walk in the house with a toothbrush... :) -Read the text on the shampoo bottle in the shower... :) -We ask "what?" when we clearly understand everything... :) -Hate it when the wind messes our hair up... :) -Look in the fridge 10 times without eating anything... :) -Have to call our own phones to find it... :) -Check the time on our phones when we are wearing a watch.. :) -When we stay up late we count how many hours of sleep we will get...:) -Smiling While Reading This... :) Share this if ur happy being a GIRL...:D

imagination is more powerful than knowledge...thoughts can be dangerous..

Kill them with success and bury them with a smile.

Women are sensitive, overthink every little thing, and care more than they should, but that's what makes their love so strong...

Well, thats pretty much it for now........
Supernatural has ended and now it is Pan Am!

I am currently reading the book: If You Could See Me Now by Cecilia Ahern
Its ok and good at parts but its a good read definitely!

I can't wait for summer vacations so i can finally hit the sofa probably and READ READ READ!
Not to mention watch tv watch tv watch tv !!!!
oh and my latop! (:

Man! Summer vacations will be tiring! :)
sooooooooooooooooooo hungry! and i need to pee! :)

Saturday 18 February 2012

Bout meee

I'm gonna start off telling things about me.
I'm somewhat years old. Go to so and so school.
Have a best friend anyone can ever have asked for.
I am madly in love with books!
No I dont review them. Tiring work, I must say so.
I made my blog last night at around 12 30am.
I was inspired by this blog:
Anyway, I don't think many people will be reading my blog because this is my first post...

As this is my first ever post.. I shall introduce myself in detail:

Name: somewhat, not going to mention it

School: Shit

Age: 13

Year: 7

That's all for now... :)