Wednesday 10 July 2013

It's been a seriously long time!

Okay, here goes. 
My last post was on 29th October 2012. That was a while back. No kidding. I don't know why I am so inactive. So much has happened in such little time.
I live in Karachi in Pakistan if you do not know that already. So, in the session of 2012-2013 I was in Class VIII (8) and I applied for the best school there is in Karachi known as KGS (Karachi Grammar School) just to see whether or not I would get in and Surprise, surpirse! I got in. Well, my father paid the fees and everything and as of August 2013 I shall be a Grammarian. But the tough part is that I will be joining KGS as a Class X (10) student. Which means, no Class IX (9) for me! Which also means I am covering my Class IX syllabus in my summer vacations which is sort of sad really, to be perfectly honest.

I have written the following on "Inspiration." It would mean the world to me if you would read it and tell me what you think. Helpful criticism is encouraged but being rude is strongly discouraged. (: Thank you!

Inspiration. Where does it come from? In the form of people: friends, family; objects: art, literature, music; words, said by someone you know or someone you haven’t even heard of?
It comes in all forms. It can come from anywhere. So, the question is how do you know where it will come from? Simple answer: you do not. You will never know that at this moment or after a certain event I will be inspired, so I should keep my eyes peeled.
If it was that easy, wouldn’t everybody be inspired. Wouldn’t everybody be making history in newer and different ways than ever before imagined? And that would be wonderful for the people actually making history, but with everyone being remarkable there will be no more room left for being exceptional.
If everyone is the best then no one is the best, they are all equal and the best will become the average. Everybody does have the potential for becoming the best but that does not mean that everyone will.
For some, inspiration will strike sooner than they know, for some their lives will end without them having been inspired, without them doing something, something they are recognised for, something they are acknowledged for, something due to which the world knows their name.
Inspiration – if you don’t know what it is – you would not understand how and why it is coveted. And that is okay, maybe it is in your best interests, but if you didn’t feel it, you’ve missed out.
Moving on, how does one know that they are inspired? That’s easy, you just will. Sometimes, it is not required for someone to come up and tell you something, one reaches the point of realization all on their own. And that will be the case, if you have indeed been inspired. You will not need a neon sign hanging out your window to feel it, you just will.

Now, inspiration is kind of weird. I have read in an interview of J. K. Rowling – the legendary author of the Harry Potter series, the first person to ever become a billionaire from writing novels – that she thought of Harry Potter’s story on a long train ride and by the time she got off the train the entire plot was in her head, like someone had just put it there, fully formed. Stephanie Meyer – author of The Twilight Saga – got the idea of Twilight in a dream; but as Rowling has said, through Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore obviously, that “It does not do good to dwell on dreams and forget to live.” Anyway, that is an argument for some other day. The point is that one person was inspired on a train and the other in a dream and though they both have sold their books across oceans, become infinitely famous, had so much success – different as they and their novels are – their inspiration came from two such wholly different places that it is shocking to say the least. 

That is all I could come up with, please leave you thoughts in the comments below.
Thanks a million!

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