Monday 29 October 2012


So, yes I am a horrible person, if you doubt that you are officially out of your mind! Because I said I would update my blog and here I am, what, almost 5 months later! Really, there is no excuse....
So, I'll let you know what i have been up to.... I had my summer vacations, then school started, gave my units, passed, now I'm studying and like a month later I have my term assessments....
Yes, now you'd ask that you had your summer vacations what in the name of God were you doing... Now, now don't bite, sweethearts, the fact is I was doing absolutely NOTHING! Yes, that's right, nothing...
I made an account on Tumblr and finally started paying a bit of attention to my Twitter account... And what I got in return was like hundreds of mails from twitter, i mean seriously, i appreciate the fact that so many people are following me and on such a fast scale, but come on give me a break! I promised myself I would follow back everyone who followed me and I am regretting that now... Because I have no idea who are the people that I followed and they are following me back and who are the people who are following me in the hopes that I will follow back. I'm rambling aren't I? Yeah, I think I'm rambling!
Anyway, I got four days off because of a religious occasion and I got piles and piles of homework (so, maybe I am exaggerating, shoot me) as if we were about to have our summer break, I mean, what is up with that?! Don't teachers have lives? (No offense to any teacher who is reading this, I'm sure you are an absolutely awesome teacher unlike all of mine).
Anyway, if anyone would like to follow me on my Tumblr page, click here. And if anyone would like to follow me on my twitter page, click here.
So, I bought quite a few books and read none of them!
I reviewed none of the books I said I would! And right now I am reading The City of Bones (The Mortal Instruments #1) again. It's almost finished... I just finished Octavia by Beryl Kingston, Insatiable by Meg Cabot, and Overbite by meg Cabot!
I had been told that Meg Cabot wrote chick-lit and I am not a fan of chick-lit to be very honest, so I had never given her books a shot... But these two books were yeah slightly chick-littish but I still liked them. I didn't love them, I liked them!
So, funny story, my cousin told me to read Fallen by Lauren Kate so I asked him if he had read it, well, he being himself; obviously he hadn't, and I am kinda glad, wonder what effects the book would have had on him. So, anyway I loved the covers of all the books and I bought them all, in one of my crazy book shopping spree! And last night, I was looking for a book on and I come across it so I decided to read the reviews and I read them till 2 in the morning and I was constantly laughing.
You know how when you hate a book so much you make fun of it, all the reviews were doing that, and a particular one was very long and that girl made up a talk show in which the main characters were there and she was hosting it! Good God, that cracked me up like nothing had for years!
So, yeah now i am regretting buying all the books, but hey, the books have pretty covers so essentially no harm done!
But Miss Kate I mean no insult to your books, I'm sure they are awesome for the people who like those sort of stories but I haven't even read them so who am I to judge, right?
Did I mention I am obsessed with I can literally spend hours on that damn website and not wonder what's wrong with me!
And the homework that I have to submit tomorrow is still not done, me being me, I will probably spend half the time on my laptop and then when everyone will assume I'm asleep, I'll be awake finishing all the work I should have done earlier!

OH MY GOD! You have no idea how badly I want this school year to end, it sucks bad! And I want summer vacations, and a little r n r!

Goodbye guys, hope and pray that I show my face (figuratively speaking) soon!

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