Friday 27 September 2013

I don't know, philosophical rant, switching topics, that kind of thing

I guess we all want to get good grades and get into an Ivy League but I think we're aiming too high. We expect too much of ourselves. And in a way it's good to aim high but you also have to be prepared for losses and not reaching your goal.

Yes, I am one of those people who just wants good grades and be accepted to an Ivy League. And I realize that I am expecting too much of myself. But if I don't, I won't work hard, not that I do now.
On Wednesday I had a PTM. It was interesting, all the teachers said I am so quiet, which is laughable really. And my parents told each and every teacher (and they met all of them except literature and history) that I have skipped grade nine. Some we're surprised, some were impressed, some didn't really care. But the thing I noticed was that every teacher was expecting better grades from me. Except the language teacher, she said 20 on 25 was great and seeing that I had skipped grade nine, kudos to me.

I hate expectations, they're so annoying. The teachers don't even know me, but I suppose I should be glad that they expected better from me because that means that they think I'm smart or something.

I don't know what to post here anymore. I got a new phone so the application is in my phone, and I should post more but I don't. It's a Sony Z, by the way. It's waterproof, and I love it.

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